Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cravings for South Indian Food

This was the first time I was leaving home and all its comforts for what I assumed would be an exciting hostel life, I was right on all accounts except for one - the "FOOD". Having grown up in a typical South Indian house where the first thing to be consumed early morning is a hot cup of filter kaapi, I assumed that I wouldn't miss the food too much. After all, I did survive in Jaipur for three whole years!!( Of course,that was during my 3rd to 5th std where my mom cooked everyday but I'm sure you understand how insignificant that detail is :D). My attention, which was initially captured by the campus and my batch mates, was forcefully directed towards MM 101 and FA (Marketing Management and Financial Accounting for the uninitiated). The mess food which was initially interesting, became mundane after a month and downright boring after two months. They did try though, to give us Masala Dosa and Idli, but it just wasn't the same. A Tamilian batch mate of mine who is also a localite invited us over for lunch where we reveled at the sight, smell and taste of Rasam, Maddur Vada, Kesari Bath and the much-missed Curd Rice with Pickle. All in all it goes to show you never know what you have until its missing from your life. For all those who still complain about eating @ home, please refrain from it. There are far worse situations in life like paying Rs105 for a Masala Dosa and Rs45 for a Filter Coffee in DASPRAKASH!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Life. Awesome. More coffee. Less tea.
Friends. Studies. Happy happy me.
Single. Superb. Sweet. Lack of sleep.

Enter. Him. Promises. Lies.
Hugs. Kisses. Part of life.
Dreams. Future. Husband and wife.

Fights. Tears. Unspoken words.
Constricted space. Voice unheard.
Worlds apart. Broken heart.

Break up. Hurt. Shock. Grief.
Smile outside. Inside. Weep.
Build. Life. Piece by piece.

Days. Weeks. Months later.
Sunshine again. Absent pain.
Alone. Me. Happy again.

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